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Dr Chantelle Makin

“I really enjoyed the mix of videos, case studies and information slides, which really brought the information in the ELSA CPD day to life and made it so interesting and relevant to my role. I now feel much more confident about spending time with children with Selective Mutism, and I am more aware of how[…]

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Huge congratulations to our brilliant ELSAs who completed their initial ELSA training course with us this July. We are excited to see you get started in the new academic year. Happy holidays everyone!

A huge well done to all of the new ELSAs from Academies across the Harris Federation, who completed their training with us this half-term! It was lovely to work with you all these last few weeks, and we look forward to hearing how you are all getting on when we see you in supervision!

It was fantastic to see you all at our ELSA CPD Day yesterday, that was focused on ‘Supporting Children and Young People’s Mental Health.’ It has been great to hear how much you enjoyed it, and that you all went away with lots of helpful information that is relevant to your day-to-day ELSA practice. Here’s[…]

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