01276 785749

Telephone Consultations for Parents

Psychology First offer a telephone consultation service to parents regarding issues that they would like support with at home. This service provides parents with the time and space to explore and unpick their concerns about their child with an experienced Educational Psychologist, and at a time that suits them. The consultation process will enable parents to uncover the next logical step and/or solution to the problem and subsequently to agree a number of strategies to try.

Our Educational Psychologists are here to help you help your child.

The Educational Psychologist can also provide parents with further information and advice about a particular topic and signpost them to support networks or other services as appropriate.

This service is specifically for issues that parents would like support with at home, and any strategies will focus on what can be tried within the home environment. This telephone consultation service is a stand-alone offer to parents.

Please contact us to find out more.