Dear all,
We hope you are keeping safe and well during these unprecedented times?
Here at Psychology First, we have been working hard behind the scenes to support all of our schools and practising ELSAs through the sharing of relevant resources, as well as the continuation of supervision sessions through video conferencing, where appropriate.
Lots of our ELSAs have told us how valuable they have found it to receive some recommended resources, as well as to have the continuing opportunity to keep in touch with us and their ELSA colleagues via on-line supervision. In particular they have found it helpful to be able to share feelings and to begin to think and plan for what future ELSA support might look like for pupils when schools re-open.
This is what some of our ELSAs have said:
“Thank you, Laura and Chantelle, for all the resources you put together for us. All the children had the Coronavirus Superhero Story included in their home learning packs, and it was the first thing we suggested to families to do on day 1 of home learning for ‘Health & Wellbeing.’ Families were encouraged to read the story together with their child and have a discussion…so all positive!”
“It was lovely to talk to everybody today, thank you for setting up the ELSA supervision Skype meeting.”
“It was great to catch up and all share feelings on the current situation. It’s a tough world we are in and hopefully we will look back in the future and know we all did our best in a very difficult situation. Keep safe everyone!”
“Thank you for today. Great to have ELSA supervision more than ever…need to settle the thoughts. Take care all and speak next month.”
“I just wished to say a huge thank you for all your ongoing support, at this unique, peculiar, bizarre time. Thank you for the time today for supervision. It really helped me clear my head and organise my thoughts and feelings positively.”
Please all feel reassured that the Psychology First team are always here should you wish to contact us for any support during this difficult and unusual time. In the meantime, please do take care, look after yourselves and we are really looking forward to seeing you all very soon.
Best wishes
Chantelle and Laura