01276 785749

Virtual Consultations for Parents

Psychology First offer a 1-hour virtual consultation service for parents, where you can engage in a problem-solving discussion with a highly experienced Educational Psychologist (EP) around the issues/concerns you have for your child at home. All our EPs have been practicing for a long time and have a thorough understanding of Local Authority and school systems and processes. We are also able to provide further information and advice regarding certain topics and can signpost you to support networks or additional services as appropriate.

Please note that we do not undertake any follow-up work or assessments following a virtual consultation with a parent. However, you can commission a further consultation with the same EP should you wish to review any agreed strategies discussed in the initial consultation or seek any further advice.

Our Educational Psychologists are here to help you help your child.

The service costs £120 for the hour and we ask for payment to be received in advance.


We will send you a few questions that you might like to consider prior to the consultation to help you make the best use of your time with the EP. These questions will not necessarily be covered during the discussion, they are purely to help you think about information to share during the consultation.

During the consultation, the EP will be listening carefully to the information that you wish to share, and they won’t be taking any notes or providing a written of the discussion. However, you are very welcome to take your own notes if you would like to do so.

Please contact us to book.