We love seeing how creative our ELSAs get during the morning activity on day 5 of our training when we ask them to use Play Doh and pipe cleaners to make something that represents how they are feeling at that moment in time about their ELSA journey. After doing this activity on all of our training courses it has been interesting to see how lots of consistent themes have emerged in terms of what has been made. We have seen lots of hearts, spirals, brains, smiley faces, stars and lightbulbs. The ELSAs have shared that these shapes/models represent them experiencing lots of feelings/thoughts such as, “I have been given lots of knowledge and I am ready to start to put it into practice”, “I am ready to open up my heart to children”, “It has been a real ‘lightbulb’ moment for me”. We look forward to seeing what other themes emerge on future training courses!
Best wishes
Chantelle and Laura