Happy New Year everyone and welcome to the spring term. We are really looking forward to engaging in lots more creative and forward-thinking psychology as we work together with you all in your schools in 2020!
We want to say a huge congratulations to our most recently qualified ELSAs who completed their training with us at the end of the autumn term 2019. As your trainers, we really enjoyed the 5 weeks spent with you all and we valued your eagerness and involvement in your training course. Well done everybody! We are looking forward to seeing you all in your schools for supervision soon. Here’s what some of you told us about your ELSA Training:
“Laura and Chantelle, what a fabulous job you did on the ELSA course. Everyone got so much out of it and you both made the whole experience really enjoyable and fun, as well as being very informative. I have already used lots of the strategies at school and I now feel better equipped to do my job. Many thanks to both of you for all your hard work and I will definitely recommend the course to my colleagues.” ELSA, St Mary’s and St Peter’s Primary School, Teddington
“I most enjoyed learning about the psychological theories behind all aspects of emotions on this course. The practical ideas to take away with us, as well as meeting other ELSAs was really good about this course. The mixture of teaching and group work was really well-balanced on this course. Chantelle and Laura are incredibly knowledgeable, articulate, approachable and fun! I’ve already told my daughter’s pre-school about the Early Years ELSA course because I’d highly recommend the ELSA training with Psychology First.” ELSA, St Marys Primary School, Oxted
“It has been good meeting like-minded colleagues on the ELSA training and I have learnt lots of valuable information. It’s hard to pick a favourite aspect of the course as it was all so enjoyable, but I think knowing how to set up a friendship group, as well as having a better understanding of anger management will be very beneficial for me. Laura and Chantelle were brilliant – they were approachable, very informative and always on hand to answer questions. I would recommend anyone to do this course because it definitely leads to a better understanding of the children and young people we are working with. Thank you so much for an enlightening five weeks. I’m looking forward to putting my new skills into practise and the ongoing professional relationship with the Psychology First professionals and colleagues in my supervision group.” ELSA, St Andrews School, Woking
“I found the ELSA training really informative and I feel much more confident in my work now I have completed it. Both Laura and Chantelle were lovely and approachable and they are amazing at their jobs. I loved the mix of group discussions; having the opportunity to share and speak out; author’s references and video clips on this course. I would say to another person thinking about training as an ELSA to not delay – it will build your confidence!” ELSA, Oxted School
“I enjoyed all of my ELSA training and Laura and Chantelle were fantastic trainers and very engaging. I really enjoyed understanding about the building blocks to emotional literacy and how the brain works and develops. The grief and loss day, as well as learn ng to write therapeutic stories was also great! Thank you – I have learnt so much on this course, and I really feel I can make a huge change to children and young people’s lives now I am trained as an ELSA.” ELSA, Beaufort Primary School, Woking
(More feedback from our ELSAs can be found on our ‘Testimonials from our ELSAs’ page)
Wishing everyone a good spring term!
Best wishes,
Chantelle and Laura