ELSA Community RegistrationWelcome to our ELSA Community. This is your exclusive space to access training materials; resources; top tips; and to network with your fellow ELSAs in our private forum. User Registration First Name * Last Name * Email * Confirm Email * Name of your School or Setting * Select your Course * School Age ELSA Early Years (EY) ELSA Tick Box 1 * I understand that all materials in this exclusive area of the website are for my personal use only. They must not be disseminated. Any attempts to do this will be taken seriously and may result in me being deregistered from the ELSA Network. Tick Box 2 * I understand that the ELSA forum is designed to be a supportive networking environment. It is a space for sharing useful resources; top tips; and for seeking advice from my fellow ELSAs also registered with the Psychology First ELSA community. I understand that any attempts to misuse the forum may result in me being deregistered from the ELSA Network. reCAPTCHA If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit